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The Critical Role of Emotional Intelligence, Intention, and Awareness in Stress Regulation
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is not just a helpful tool, but a critical skill in managing stress and regulating cortisol levels. Its...
Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
Oct 1, 20242 min read

Transforming Justified Anger into Compassionate Action
Anger is a complex and often misunderstood emotion that comes in various forms and serves different purposes. While some types of anger...
Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
Aug 1, 20243 min read

How to Give Honest Feedback that is Well Received and Reduce Discomfort
Offering feedback is an act of kindness and respect when given honestly and thoughtfully from the heart (not the ego), and can lead to...
Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
Dec 1, 20232 min read

Understanding the Power of Self-Regulation: How to Manage Your Emotional Energy
Many of us struggle with self-regulation or managing our emotional energy in a way that helps us to feel calm, centered, and in control...
Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
Jul 1, 20233 min read

Eliminate Anxiety by Embracing the Present Moment
Millions of people around the world struggle with anxiety and constantly worry about things that are outside of their control. The...
Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
May 1, 20233 min read

How to Show Up More Emotionally Intelligent for Greater Impact & Reduce Stress
We all have triggers or “hot buttons” that cause us to become agitated, worried, or angry. These triggers can vary from person to person...
Doni Landefeld, Ph.D.
Apr 1, 20236 min read

The Art of Self-Liberation: How to Free Yourself from Fear and Live Intentionally
Self-liberation is the practice of freeing ourselves from limiting beliefs, past traumas, the expectations of society, detaching from...
Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
Apr 1, 20234 min read

3 Steps for Reducing Stress and Anxiety
Stress is becoming more prevalent for adults and is reaching epic proportions in kids. With the fast-paced nature of life, many of us are...
Lindsay Miller
Mar 1, 20233 min read

Early Warning Signs: How to Avoid Being Emotionally Hijacked
Have you ever felt like your emotions were controlling you instead of the other way around? For example, maybe you were having a...
Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
Feb 1, 20233 min read

Name-calling: A Sign of Low Emotional Intelligence
It's easy to be dismissive and judgmental when you don't understand someone else's perspective. But when we do this, it's a sign that our...
Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
Jan 1, 20234 min read

How to Safely and Effectively Release Strong Emotions
We’ve all been there. A passive-aggressive comment from a co-worker or criticism from leadership gets your blood boiling. Your child’s...
Dr. Jayne Gardner
Dec 1, 20224 min read

Understanding ADHD and How Emotional Intelligence May Help to Alleviate the Symptoms
What is ADHD? What are the symptoms? ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) is a neurodevelopmental condition affecting...
Sussan Nwogwugwu
Oct 1, 20224 min read

What Causes Us to Feel Anger?
Anger is a complex emotion that serves several important functions. It is the primary emotion that is frequently triggered when we...
Dr. Krista Jordan
Sep 1, 20225 min read

Why Do We Gravitate Towards Negativity?
For many of us, our default is to focus on problems. Even when we receive a flood of accolades, a single negative comment can become the...
Ora Nadrich
Aug 1, 20222 min read

How to Release Built-up Emotional Energy
Bottling up our emotions is not only unhealthy; it’s unnatural. Unfortunately, modern society has conditioned us to believe that normal...
Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
Jul 1, 20223 min read

What Causes Test Anxiety and How Emotional Intelligence Can Help
If you are a parent whose child suffers from test anxiety, or you are a student who knows firsthand the crippling feelings of overwhelm...
Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
May 1, 20225 min read

Signs You Need More Emotional Resilience and How to Self-Regulate
As children, we are encouraged to ‘be resilient,’ but what does that mean? Resilience is one’s ability to recover quickly from...
Alyssa Poggioli
Mar 1, 20222 min read

5 Techniques to Override Our Primal Impulse to Defend and Protect our Ego
There are various techniques to lessen the chance of getting into a fiery argument and taking control of our emotions. And while they may...
Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
Feb 1, 20222 min read

What is Emotional Hijacking, and How Can You Prevent It?
Can you correctly identify the emotions you have experienced within the last 24 hours? Research conducted by Talent Smart – one of the...
Lisa Medley
Dec 31, 20213 min read

3 Things Childhood Taught Me About the Value of Emotional Intelligence and Relationships
Emotional intelligence (EI or EQ) plays an essential role in maintaining healthy relationships, whether personal, professional, or...
Alyssa Poggioli
Dec 31, 20215 min read
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